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‼️ Wash Day ‼️ 

Well, here it is…the most dreaded/loved day of the week (or every two weeks if you really dread it like me 😩). WASH DAY!

Though I dread the actual act of washing my hair, I do enjoy trying products and finding what works for me. I’ve been chemical free for approximately 7 years, and this continues to prove a difficult feat. Especially since the right and left sides of my head are sisters and not twins 🤦🏾‍♀️. The right retains moisture fairly easily and grows more quickly with curls that are (ever so slightly) looser. The left side is more dry and  is taking its sweet, sweet time to grow with curls that are more dense. So, needless to say, it’s difficult to find one product that works for my whole head! I’m still on the hunt, and welcome suggestions.

I’m the meantime, these babies are doing the job.

After twisting my hair (I NEVER wash without twisting), I start with the Pantene Pro-V Moisturizing Cleansing Conditioner which I picked up from Target. Now, I can’t lie, I saw the gold label and immediately thought I’d found a product from the Pantene Gold Series which was developed for textured hair. I later realized I was sadly mistaken. However, I was still pleased with the result! So much so, I went back for seconds. It’s leaves my hair super soft and moisturized.

Though I deep condition each time I wash, I still like to condition while in the shower. I initially thought this Camille Rose Moroccan Pear Conditioning Custard was a styling product (apparently, I don’t read 😩), so I used it as such. This was my first time actually using it as a conditioner. I’ll report back with final decision on its effectiveness for my hair.

Next it’s time for deep conditioning (oh yes!). Mielle Organics Babassu Oil & Mint Deep Conditioner is my go to. Not only do I deep condition with it, but I also use it as a detangler. My hair gets tangled so easily AND I’m very, very tender-headed (Jesus be a fence!), so this is a life saver for me. After working it through each of my twists, I pop on a plastic cap and my Hot Head bonnet for about 45 minutes.

After conditioning, I’m sure you can guess what comes next…moisturizing and sealing ☝🏾! I’m a fan of the L-O-C method (Liquid- Oil-Cream, but Cream comes before Oil 😉)for these purposes.I use Mielle Organics White Peony Leave-in Conditioner followed by Mielle Organics Avocado Moisturizing Hair Milk and a mixture of Mielle Organics Mint Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil and Tea Tree oil to seal the deal. I work these products through each twist in the order listed. This usually leaves my hair manageable and ready to be put into a bun 😅! The magic wash-and-go fairy dust apparently missed me, or I’ve just not perfected my method. But, that’s a topic for another day 🙆🏽.

As always, if you have any question, comments or suggestions, talk to me!

Talk soon! 💋

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